Directions to Middletown
If you get lost, Wesleyan students and faculty will not know what "Quest" is, but they will certainly be able to give you directions to Butterfield C.
You will be able to change into costume after you arrive; you need not drive to Wesleyan wearing your garb.
Driving directions
Check-in is usually at the Butterfield dorms of Wesleyan University. These are located at the bottom of Lawn Ave, near the corner of Lawn Ave and High St. There is a parking lot at the corner of Lawn and High where visitors may park.
From Boston and points northeast:
Take the Mass Pike (Interstate 90) West to Interstate 84 West (exit 9). Follow I-84 to Hartford, and then take exit 57 to Interstate 91 South. From I-91, take exit 22 to Route 9 South. When you get to Middletown, do not take the exit labeled for Wesleyan; instead, take the next exit after that, Exit 14, labeled for "DeKoven Dr".Go straight, past the shopping center on your right, and straight through two lights. You are now on William St. William St. will end at a T intersection, with the Wesleyan campus brownstones in front of you. Turn left onto High St. Go through the next light, and then take the next right after that, onto Lawn Ave. The parking lot will be right there on the left-hand side.
From Hartford and points north:
Take I-91 South, and use the "From Boston" directions above.From New York City and points south:
Take I-95 North to I-91 North. On I-91, take exit 18 to Route 691/66 East. Route 66 will eventually cease to be a highway and will become Washington Street in Middletown.You will be arriving from the upper left corner of the map shown below. Turn right onto High St, and then take your fourth right onto Lawn Ave. The parking lot will be right there on the left-hand side.
From Waterbury and points west:
Take Interstate 84 East to exit 27 (Route 691/66 East). Route 66 becomes Washington Street in Middletown. Now use the "From New York City" directions above.Checking In
You can park in the lot on the corner of High St. and Lawn Ave. This lot is adjacent to the Butterfield dorms, located on Lawn Ave.
Standing on Lawn Ave, facing into the Butterfield courtyard, Butterfield C will be on your right. Enter the first door on the right. (The door may be locked; knock on the large windows to your left to have someone let you in.) The doors to the Butterfield C Lounge are on the left side of the entranceway.