Country Info: Philiathos

Terminology: Philiathan (fill-ee-ATH-an) people, one Philiathan, many Philiathans
Monarch: Duke Timotheos (Timotheus Dux Philiathae)

The Duchy of Philiathos (fill-ee-ATH-ohss), at the eastern end of Delona, is one of the two major powers in Thanae (which equates to Greece.)

Philiathos has a strong rivalry with Veneza and Castagna, the two other Delonan lands who match it in strength. But it also has a rivalry with Melonissos, the other Thanaean power, with Philiathos attempting to control the Thanaean islands, making the Duke of Philiathos the leader of all of Thanae.

Philiathos lost several islands to the Yamamotoans during their invasion, islands now part of Seiguntou. These losses are hardly forgotten.


Duke Timotheos.