The events of Quest Games are often inspired by real-world situations and places. Any parallels with real-world locations are not meant to comment on those locations. In particular, the events of Quest's Continuing Game center around Hesket, which is heavily influenced by European myth and history. Characters who come from outside Hesket are sometimes misunderstood (or simply not understood) by Hesketines. This is by no means meant to imply any European cultural superiority. Instead, we seek both to educate people about the regionalism prevalent in medieval society, and to give characters the opportunity to gain (and not just be raised with) an understanding of other cultures.
More importantly, any player is free to choose (or not to choose) to play a character whose culture is from outside this Hesketine "center." No player is ever required to play a certain type of character based upon that player's race, gender, age, etc. This is true for one-shot games as well as Continuing Games. The player's phenotype has no bearing on the character's phenotype, and thus any player may play (or choose not to play) a character who is Hesketine or non-Hesketine. And in the characteristic for which it is most difficult to separate the player and the character—gender—the Continuing Game world has endeavored to create equity, rejecting the historical accuracy of medieval sexism.
While many countries and regions in the world of the Continuing Game and in other Quest Games are obvious or subtle parallels of Earth cultures, they are by no means intended as comments or slurs upon anyone or any culture in the real world. The societies in our fantasy world are loosely based on historical examples, but no one should ever translate our fictitious cultures, characters, etc. back into past or present reality.
Although Quest does not allow the use of symbols and discourages the use of other elements of conventional modern religions, we do acknowledge that the tone of our cultures is influenced by Earthly myth and history, and thus some terminology from real religions (such as "monk" or "church") is unavoidable if we want to maintain our fictional flavor. It is not Quest's intention to make any comment, negative or positive, on any modern religion, nor should the terminology and elements inadvertently drawn from real cultures or religions imply any belief about those cultures or religions on the part of Quest.
David Bxeebe, Jeremy Bxernstein, Nejla Cxadet, Jodie Cxhabot, Eileen Cxhristiansen, Reese Cxorley, Alex Cxourt, Brad Cxzarnec, Rich Dxansky, Michael Dxavis-Wilson, Clay Dxreslough, Dee Dxreslough, Steve Dxwelly, John Exure, Nick Fxesenko, Zack Fxraser, Sam Gxailey, Wendy Gxale, Amado Gxlick, Jeff Gxoldberg-Zieger, Julie Gxoldberg-Zieger, Beth Gxoldgar, Meg Hxarrelson, Nick Hxarrison, Stephen Hxartley, Jen Hxartshorn, Dan Hxore, Heather Axlbano Jxackson, Ed Jxenks, Jessie Kxarpf, Nina Kxelsey, Josh Kxirn, Jordan Kxraemer, Brett Lxevin, Jonathan Lxight, Tony Lxower, Carol Lxubkowski, Jamie Mxacia, Dan Mxangold, Lauren Mxarino, Jennifer MxcGann, John MxcGann, Ian MxcLean, John MxcLoughlin, Joseph Mxelendez, Jon Mxetcalf, Nick Mxinichino, Adam Mxorse, David Oxlsen, Jen Pxatrick, Angela Pxellegrino-Grant, David Pxerry, Chris Pxezza, Kathy Pxezza, Ethan Pxlatt, Jennifer Pxlatt, Matt Rxaftery, Ken Rxeeves, Alisha Rxichman, Kara Rxodgers, Anthony Rxobinson, Mark Rxosenberry, Chauncy Rxoschbach, Dan Rxossi, Matt Sxchickling, Hans Sxchroder, Sam Sxherry, Tim Sxhoemaker, Becky Sxlitt, Jason Sxmith, James Sxteere, Andrew Sxtoner, Anise Sxtrong, Bob Sxweeney, Jim Vxincent, Tanya Wxeiman, Alan Wxitt, Julian Yxap, Jeff Yxaus, Li Yxu, Stacey Zximmerman, all our Game Masters, and all the other Quest folk we've regretfully and inadvertently forgotten.
Editing and Publishing
Jeff Yxaus
Artwork is in the public domain, from karenswhimsy.com/public-domain-images/
All Rights Reserved.
Used by permission.